Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Day 7

Day 7 was among my favorite of my whole trip to Saskatchewan.  Morgan, Rebecca and I got our fishing gear packed after a few hours of trying to pry Morgan out of her bed.  Rebecca brought along a Barbecue so when we got to Simmie, we fired up some dogs.  We mainly just sat in the sun, fished, sun tanned and swam.  It was fun as Hell.  

On our way to Simmie we stopped at Simmie Bible Camp to have a visit with Kjell Anderson who had been counselling there.  Instead we found Jumo Mizu.  I hadn't seen Justin in quite a while so it was good to get a hug from him.  He's in Thailand right now I believe, so he's keeping himself quite busy.

If I remember correctly, I caught two fish, Morgan caught two and Rebecca caught one.  It was a successful day as far as angling went.  The water was nice and warm so we spent a lot of time swimming around the dock.  Here are the photos...
Cell Photos:

Camera Photos:


Jumo said...

Dude it was awesome getting a hug from you, too bad we couldn't hang out for awhile... I definitely am keeping busy in Thailand, posting lots of pistures on facebook just to let you know, and blogging. Hope to see you soon bro, love you lots.


Anonymous said...